Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Old Sayings I've Said, No. 29,348

You can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear. On the other hand, silk purses make lousy deep-fried pork rinds.


Celia said...

Deep-fried pork rinds are recommended on the Atkins diet, but don't store them in your silk purse. They are really greasy. cbj

Waldo A. Cat said...

Grease is good for your coat, Feral. So i guess you should store them in your coat. Also, if you want to go whole hog, you ought to give bacon-wrapped deep-fried pork rinds a shot.

Wraxtiorre said...

Bacon-wrapped Deep-fried Pork Rinds? That actually sounds REALLY good! I might not be kidding!

Waldo A. Cat said...

Did you know four out of five cats prefer bacon-wrapped pork rinds to Purina Organic Vegan Cat Chow? Go figure.